Tracy's Healthy Grocery Shopping

Tracy's Healthy Grocery Shopping

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Dirty Dozen

Have you wondered which foods to eat organic and which to eat conventional?

Below are the list of the Dirty Dozen, the 12 foods that should ALWAYS be bought Local or Organic!

(F.Y.I. I always choose local before organic as they will be the freshest)

I also recommend to search this blog to see a list of the most popular foods to understand:

1. How to Choose
2. How to Store
3. How to Prepare

The Dirty Dozen List

These foods have an average of 50 different chemicals in them that CANNOT be washed off.

1. Celery

2. Peaches

3. Strawberries

4. Apples

5. Domestic Blueberries

6. Nectarines

7. Sweet Bell Peppers

8. Spinach, Kale, Collards

9. Cherries

10. Potatoes

11. Imported Grapes

12. Lettuce


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    Friday, November 8, 2013

    Pretty Pumpkins


    One of the best detoxifying fall foods are Pumpkins! They are not as jam packed with nutrients at pumpkin seeds are, but they do have a great ability to lower cholesterol. With their big source of antioxidants like vitamin E and lignans that can also protect the bodies cells and reduce inflammation.

    How to Choose and Keep

    Most pumpkins sold this time are for look and decorating not eating. Ask your grocer if they have any “pie pumpkins.” They will be smaller and flatter. Knock on the pumpkin to test for ripeness. A hollow sounds means its good to cut into. The vine attached to the pumpkin should also be brown and died. Store inside away from direct sunlight. If you don’t want to go that route, look below for buying in the can form.


    Clean the outside thoroughly and cut. Roast at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes or more. If you are purchasing from a can make sure it is organic and B.P.A free. The other kinds leach bacteria into the pumpkin! I like Farmer’s Market brand. Buy “canned pumpkin” for breads and muffins and “pumpkin pie” for pies.


    Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folate, Niacin, Choline, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper, and Manganese.

    Action Steps

    1. Cut your favorite pumpkin up yourself and bake like squash.

    2. Make this awesome recipe from my other blog: Tracy’s Paleo Journey Mini pumpkin banana muffins! Sugar, Dairy and grain free! So indulge all you like!


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    Friday, November 1, 2013

    Bad Ass Bananas


    If you’re angry or irritated before you put your fists up take a bite of a banana. This convenient fruit helps balance the serotonin in your brain, helping you to keep cool. They are one of the best hangover helpers too, as they have vital nutrients (B & C Vitamins as well as potassium) to stabilize the deficient and dehydrated body. It is best to actually eat the banana before you go to bed to really help. If this isn’t enough the potassium will also help lower your blood pressure. A banana a day will keep the Dr away too! The fiber, digestive enzymes and probotics in bananas will keep your digestive system regular.

    How to Choose and Keep

    Make sure to choose ones according to when you are going to consume. The greener they are the more unripe they will be as well. To accelerate the ripening process keep them in a paper bag (an apple in with it will help ripen even faster). Take extra care when storing at room temperature, as bananas are very fragile.

    You can enjoy just by peeling or even freeze the bananas. If you are freezing make sure to peel and store wrapped in plastic. Use in smoothies or even make some ice cream with frozen bananas, coconut milk, vanilla, strawberry preserves, or cacao powder. It is delicious! Let them become very ripe and make some banana bread. Oh so yummy!


    Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Manganese, Fiber, Potassium

    Action Steps

    1. Use some bananas in a baking recipe. Try out my Banana Muffins!

    2. Miss my Paleo Blog post this week? Make some awesome Banana Chips!

    3. Spread some of you favorite nut butter on a banana and enjoy as a power snack.

    (Resources: O Magazine,


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    Friday, October 25, 2013

    Perfect Pumpkin Seeds


    One of the best fall detoxifying foods. Pumpkin Seeds have one of the largest sources of the mineral zinc, which can boost your immune system. With their big source of antioxidants like vitamin E and lignans that can protect the bodies cells against free radical damage.

    How to Choose and Keep

    You can use the seeds from a pumpkin and roast immediately or choose raw pumpkin seeds in the bulk bins at the store. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. They will stay fresh for a couple months.


    Roast at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. You can also just sprinkle on items. Look at action steps below.


    Manganese, tryptophan, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, protein, zinc, and iron.

    Action Steps

    1. Cut your favorite pumpkin for Halloween and roast the seeds at 200 degrees with some sea salt.

    2. Keep some raw pumpkin seeds in your fridge and sprinkle on your salads and stir-fry.



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    Saturday, October 12, 2013

    Beneficial Beets


    With their full list of benefits beets are very special. They contain phytonutrients called betalains, which offer antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detox qualities. The betalains is where the red/purple color of the beet and stems of beet greens come from. Another big benefit is that beets can help tremendously with the health of the eyes.
    How to Choose and Keep
    It is best to choose beets that are medium sized and have deep color with no spots or bruises. Do not wash to store. Remove the greens, and place in a plastic bag that is wrapped tightly around them. They will keep up to 3 weeks. The greens can also be consumed. They will keep in a plastic bag about 4 days.

    Rinse gently under water. Try not to tear the skin. The easiest way to prepare is boiling in a covered pot for 30-40 minutes, or once you can easily poke with a fork.  After, drain (keep the water to drink or make soup with, as it has tons of nutrients) and submerge in cold water. Once they are slightly cooled rub the skin off with a paper towel and serve. If you are chilling them allow them to cool and then place in fridge. Wear gloves to help with staining, or use lemon juice to remove the stains from your skin.
    You may also steam the beets for 15 minutes, with 2 inches of water in the bottom of the steamer. 

    Nutrients (In order of highest percentage to lowest)
    Folate, Manganese, Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin C, Tryptophan, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, and Copper.

    Action Steps
    1. Choose some nice medium sized beets. Save the greens and sauté or boil for dinner. Cook the others and enjoy a warm beet with salt and pepper for dinner.
    2. Chill some beets and cut up with some mandarin oranges for a wonderful beet salad.
    3. Make BEET HUMMUS! Check out my recipe on my Paleo Diet Blog:


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    Saturday, October 5, 2013

    Crative Cabbage


    One of the most nutritious foods for its value. With it’s cholesterol lowering qualities this fiber rich food is a great addition to any meal. Other benefits include anti-inflammatory, cancer prevention, digestive support and heal cardiovascular system.

    How to Choose and Keep

    Choose heads that are firm and shiny. Make sure the outer leaves are not damaged; as it is likely the internal leaves are damaged too. Try to buy it fresh and avoid the precut forms. Keep cabbage cold in a plastic bag. It should keep for about 1-2 weeks.


    To get the most the nutrients out of cabbage it is best steamed. Make sure you wash thoroughly before you steam.


    Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Folate, Fiber, Manganese, Molybdenum, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Tryptophan, Calcium, and Vitamin B1

    Action Steps

    1. Find a fresh head of red cabbage and use in your salad.

    2. Steam some green cabbage as a wonderful side with some steamed leafy greens.

    3. Find a great pigs in the blanket recipe The REAL ONE with cabbage. It’s call Halupki. Not those little hot dogs. Get one from your Grama if she has one or clickhere



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